Thematic Areas
Our work is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through our four thematic areas.
Food Security & Natural Resource Governance
We work with local communities to empower them through training and advocacy to contribute to food security, and get them involved in the negotiations and decisions made on exploitation of natural resources
Climate Change & Adaptation
We empower communities with knowledge and skills so that they mitigate and adapt to climate change. Climate change intensifies food insecurity as most of sub-Sahara Africa is dependant on rain– fed agriculture.
Gender & Social Inclusion
We focus on making gender in research a priority by strengthening gender research capacities by delivering resource materials and training to support the generation of more inclusive, gender-relevant research and findings
Effective Governance
The increased interaction among groups interested in philanthropy has led to heightened dialogue and the need to consolidate efforts that focus on promoting philanthropy, strategic collaborations and accountability.